Refining Moments.

Disillusioned and exhausted after a month of late nights and early mornings chasing another arbitrary deadline, Reason Refinery founder, Edda Thors, found herself staring down a future bleak with years filled by more of the same.  More copying last year's 'best seller', and sending garments off to China, India or Korea to be used as templates to make more of the same.

This didn't feel like designing to Edda; it was more like photo-copying.  And it sure as hell wasn't either socially or ecologically conscious.  But everyone was still buying this stuff; making themselves broke to have the latest and greatest thing just because they saw it on instagram.

Was this Capitalism & Materialism at its worst? Our consumer culture had tricked everyone into paying $60 for something that only cost $3.00 to produce. Someone was getting rich.  But it wasn't the designers and it definitely wasn't the people physically breaking their backs producing the clothes. 

Then she had a crazy idea:  

"What if you could create beautiful products - all kinds - and instead of feeding the greed machine, feed the things you care about most?"  

Well, you can and here's what that looks like... 

If you want to get a better view into the sad reality of the garment industry, one excellent resource is "The True Cost", a great documentary about the damage done by the fashion industry.